Thursday, 9 April 2015

Educative proposals

  • Washing up bowl workshop

A mother from the 2-3 year old class suggests to the class teacher the possibility of repeating an activity that she had done at home with her daughter. Allowing her to play with different types of plastic bowls and experiment with their possibilities.

Activity report
Visual documentation

  • “Ant” project. The construction of an ant’s nest
  • Song: “Ines´s little ant”

Antonio, the father of a 3-4 years old child kept in contact with the teachers to offer them an ant´s nest that he had previously made. We had the opportunity to leave it at the classroom (with a colony of ants inside). He will be in charge of its maintenance and to present it to boys and girls.
Activity report
Visual documentation

  • Light table created by the families in the class meeting / Light table workshop

The need to incorporate a Light table into the classroom is discussed. The classroom tutor makes one in the trimester teacher-parent meetings.
The tutor prepares all materials in this meeting and families are set to work in two groups to create the light table. One of the groups creates the Light table, and in the other group the families think of ideas of how to use it in class activities.
Once finished, we evaluate every way it could be used as a classroom tool. The group really enjoyed the experience of investigating and using this resource. They were offered the possibility of a weekly workshop where families were responsible for implementing it, obviously using the support of the tutor. This workshop started off very enthusiastically.

Activity report
Visual documentation

  • Patio and school vegetable patch

  • Movables whorkshop

Activity report
Visual documentation

  • Multisensory spaces
The family presents a visual space to work with light and darkness. The action is focused on a tent with a hose of light indoors while the rest of the classroom is completely dark. Basically, the hose is switch on and switch off most of the time. They enter and leave the tent. They touch the hose of light. Additionally, there is a subspace to project colours of lights on the floor.

Activity report

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