Thursday, 12 March 2015

Together with children and parents in nature

Interested groups of parents and teachers from kindergarten will spend joint time with children in the activities of hiking. Mountaineering section is organized under the title "Cevo" as a branch of mountaineering association MIV from Varazdin. This section can join all of the children from kindergarten „Djecji svijet“ and members of their family, and all the staff from the kindergarten. The hiking activity is launched as a common interest of parents and professionals from the kindergarten, to enable children to spend more time in nature. Moto of the activity is : „Children who play outside are happier and can learn better.“ ( During this outdoor activities children will learn, with help from their parents, teachers and mountain guide, about the nature of their area, wildlife, historical and cultural sights, stories and legends related to the specific locations, traditional and social games. The experience with these trips will be the starting point of the project activities that the children together with parents and educators will carry out in the kindergarten. The first trip is planned for Saturday, 07/03/2015. on Kalnik.

Activities in family surroundings

During February, workshops were held with parents and children in order to make a variety of instruments from unformed material. The instruments were made to use in the children’s parade of masks during Carnival. During the workshop, parents suggested going with costumed children to visit one family from the kindergarten. The aim of the visit was for children to socialize in the natural family environment, in the yard, and the preparation of donuts - a traditional food of the carnival. The parents initiative was accepted by the kindergartens teachers and the visit was realized. During their stay in the yard children have acquired new practical experiences in practical life activities. Socializing with family members through three generations: grandmother, parents and children; playing together with a pet and participation in the preparation and serving of donuts were of special importance for the children. Also, special experience for children was playing in the snow realizing that you can cool your tea faster if you put it in the snow. The whole activity was independently organized by parents. The activity was conducted according to the principles of participatory methods by which everyone is actively involved in line with their abilities. Preparation of activity was carried out by parents and professional kindergarten team, activity was conducted by members of the family, and children were actively involved in all stages of implementation of the activity itself.

Activity report
Visual documentation

Sunday, 1 March 2015

Stage proposals

  • The play “The dragon Botijo” written and starring families.

  • Dramatic representations carried out by parents from the project titled “What a big mouth you have”

Activity report
Visual documentation
Video "Pelopatapico"
Video "El gruffalo"
Video "El agua salada viene de..."
Video "Garbanza y Garbancita"

  • Making puppets for the drama play workshop
According to the development of the dramatic game workshop we thought about the necessity to make our puppets to work dramatization, the language and creativity. Owing to be an activity that requires an individual attention per pupil, we considered to take into account families as educational agents which offer us their knowledge and help.
There were two previous meetings with two mothers to explain them which is the main purpose of the activity, the development of this one, which will be their roles and days and timetables.
The school expert is in charge of providing spaces, groups and material to develop the activity.
Once we had finished to make puppets, two mothers were invited (at the time dedicated to the workshop) to see a short performance in a small puppet´s theatre. Each child had time to introduce his/her puppet and to tell us their names and the name of their dummies while they sang or told us a story.
Activity report
Visual documentation

  •  Dances from Cameroon
Annie came to her daughter’s class to familiarise the children with lullabies and nursery rhymes from her home country, Cameroon. The enthusiasm that was generated amongst the children and families was so great, that she was invited to dance in front of the whole school so we could get to know the bands that are currently fashionable in Cameroon.

Some pictures

  • PAKO Y PAKA sing in zaleo. A Puppet Show